
Kampala CardioLab (KCL) is a medical practice that specializes in the treatment and management of cardiovascular diseases while emphasizing preventive, and overall health and wellness of patients with state-of-the-art equipment and well- trained staff to optimize the care of each patient. Because many factors affect heart health like exercise, diet, environment and heredity, we strive to provide the most comprehensive cardiovascular care possible in order to optimize the care and well- being of each patient. This is achieved through an evaluation process that involves the use of:

Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)

A test that reveals rhythm problems such as the cause of slow or fast heart beat


A test that allows the doctor to see how the heart is beating and pumping blood.

Exercise Stress Test

A test used to see how the heart responds during times when it is working its hardest

Holter Monitoring

A test used to detect irregularities in your heart rhythm that an electrocardiogram cannot detect.

Spirometry with Oximetry

A common test used to assess how well your lungs work by measuring how much air you inhale, how much you exhale and how quickly you exhale.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

A test used to diagnose sleep disorders.

Cardiac Rehabilitation.

A customized outpatient program of exercise and education to help improve one’s health.

The heart of an average man beats approximately 70 times a minute, whereas the average woman has a heart rate of 78 beats per minute. One person’s system of blood vessels is over 60,000 miles long, which is long enough to go around the world twice
A kitchen faucet would have to be turned on all the way for at least 45 years to equal the amount of blood pumped by the heart in an average lifetime.
The average heart is the size of a fist in an adult.
Laughing is good for your heart. It reduces stress and gives a boost to your immune system.
The human heart weighs less than 1 pound. However, a man’s heart, on average, is 2 ounces heavier than a woman’s heart.

African Quotes

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones. -Zimbabwe
“A letter from the heart can be read on the face.” Kenya
“Where there is love there is no darkness.” Burundi

Our industry is in the midst of some truly fundamental changes. The care delivery model will undoubtedly look very different five years from now, but even in light of this evolution, certain elements remain constant. Healthcare, at its core, will always be a business of building and maintaining trust. Our pledge is to continually enhance the quality of life by “Preserving The Beat Of Life